Minneapolis Airport APM O&M Update
The Minneapolis/Saint Paul (MSP) Airport has two automated people mover systems in operation. One is operating under ground, connecting the main terminal with remote parking, rental car facilities and the light rail station. The other system is operating on an elevated guideway, connecting the main Lindbergh terminal with the regional terminal with two intermediate connector stations. Both systems are operating 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The two systems were designed, manufactured and installed by Poma-Otis and then operated for the first five years by Otis Elevator Co. Throughout that time, one of the two systems had not met the operating standards for airport APM system availability requirements.
Within the first twelve months of operation under SDI management, the system availability increased from the previous annual average up to 99.58% of the hub trams and 98.16% on the Concourse trams.